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Self Compassion – Acceptance of All of Yourself

Self Compassion – Acceptance of All of Yourself

by Dr Sam (Wee Hong) Tan, Clinical Psychologist Brisbane “If you have no compassion for yourself then you are not able of developing compassion for others.” – Dalai Lama It was 1990 in Dharmasala, at the Mind and Life Conference when Dr Sharon Salzberg (known for her work on Loving Kindness) asked the Dalai Lama about […]

When Does Anxiety Strike

Anxiety can strike at any time which makes people who suffer with Anxiety attacks very nervous and scared of when the next one will hit again. Can they handle it, how will they react and how severe will it be. its a feeling deep down inside that is there waiting to resurface. Wikipedia defines Panic […]

What is social anxiety and how to overcome it

Social anxiety disorder, formerly known as “social phobia” is a far more common problem than we actually realise. Next to generalised anxiety and depression, social anxiety is one of the biggest mental health problems faced by human beings. But just what is social anxiety? Everyone gets anxious in social situations from time to time, especially […]

OCD – is it better to deal with it alone or involve others?

Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD) is probably one of the loneliest illnesses. There are so many reasons why those who are struggling with OCD will isolate themselves from their friends, family and loved ones. One of the biggest reasons is that the symptoms of OCD are embarrassing and many people struggling with the disorder feel ashamed […]

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