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What is social anxiety and how to overcome it

Social anxiety disorder, formerly known as “social phobia” is a far more common problem than we actually realise. Next to generalised anxiety and depression, social anxiety is one of the biggest mental health problems faced by human beings. But just what is social anxiety? Everyone gets anxious in social situations from time to time, especially […]

How to Improve Communication in Family Relationships

Many of the basic techniques for effective communication may be successfully applied in the home. Two of the key skills are listening and non-verbal communication. Teaching yourself and each of your family members how to build their listening and non-verbal communication skills is important for creating a strong foundation for successful communication in the family. […]

Do cross cultural marriages work?

Signing up for a life-long commitment with another person can be one of the richest and most rewarding experiences. Marriage is also hard work and requires effort and attention. A relationship in general means that two people from two different backgrounds come together and then try to unify their different experiences into a set of […]

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