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Stress Management Brisbane

Everyone has issues in their lives that cause them to feel stressed and like their lives are “out of whack”. The way we deal with these issues can sometimes be worse than the issues themselves.

Stress can turn into versions of ourselves that we barely recognise. The impact of stress itself is far and wide – it can cause people to turn to things like substance abuse, alcohol, and smoking for temporary relief, resulting in long term health risks. Others may find that their stress is so overwhelming that it can turn into negative behavouirs like becoming more aggressive, depressed, and anxious.

Because stress often comes from many different places instead of a singular source, it can be difficult to understand why you feel the way you do, and what you can do to put a stop to it. 

Here at CFHP, we provide counselling for stress management in Brisbane. We want to ensure that you’re informed about the signs and symptoms of stress, and to help more people realise that stress can be effectively managed. Our counsellors and psychologists provide tailored strategies to manage it in a healthy way to get your life back on track.

Stress counselling with CFHP

Stress Management Counselling with CFHP

We all have a certain amount of stress in our lives. But sometimes work, relationships, family and financial pressures can become too much. If this goes on for long enough, it can start to affect your health, your relationships, and your confidence.

You might have tried the usual methods of stress relief with mixed success, with whatever relief you did get likely only short lived.

When it comes to stress management, our dedicated psychologists rely on evidence-based therapies which offer insights and tools that can make an incredible difference in your life, enabling you to gain control over your own thoughts, feelings and behaviours.

By becoming more self-aware and understanding of your beliefs and motivations through our effective stress management Brisbane sessions, you’ll be armed with a variety of tools and skills that will help you get through high-stress situations.

When it comes to dealing with stress, it is always better to face it together with the support of others. Understanding that you need help and getting it is the first step to taking back control of your life and reducing your level of stress. At CFHP, our stress management therapy in Brisbane can help you find your footing and feel less overwhelmed by stress by giving you strategies and tools to better manage it.

Stress Symptoms

Stress symptoms can affect a person long after the particular situation that triggered it is over. In fact, sometimes the symptoms linger for so long that the association is not often recognised for some time.

These symptoms can present themselves as physical, cognitive, behavioural and emotional conditions. If not properly addressed and managed with the help of a professional psychologist in Brisbane, they become a serious problem for your health, relationships and overall wellbeing.

Recurring colds or headaches

Bowel irregularities


Weight gain and loss



Skin problems

Hair loss

Inability to concentrate

Memory loss

Poor judgement

An overload of anxious thoughts

A pessimistic attitude to life in general

Uncharacteristic aggression




A sense of isolation



Irrational responses to normal situations

Increased dependence on drugs or alcohol

Feeling agitated and unable to relax

Loss of appetite

Feeling jittery, nervous, afraid

If you are finding it difficult to manage and relieve the stress in your life, seek the help of our qualified and dedicated psychologists who can provide effective programs and treatment for stress management Brisbane wide.

Woman in stress psychology appointment

What Causes Stress?

Stress generally begins with your own personal evaluation of a situation or event as being negative in some way, such as difficult, painful or dangerous. You then feel that you lack the resources or capability to cope with the situation or event, and you start to feel stressed.

Stress can arise from a number of different life situations, including:

  • Environment stressors such as climatic conditions, noise and traffic
  • Social stressors such as relationships, death, financial problems and major life changes
  • Occupational stressors such as deadlines, job interviews, presentations and time management difficulties
  • Physiological stressors such as poor nutrition, lack of exercise or sleep

At the Centre for Human Potential, we offer stress management Brisbane wide, and we will help you learn to identify and challenge your negative thoughts and beliefs about certain situations and give you the tools you need to replace them with more positive, adaptive thoughts and beliefs.

Our Stress Management Psychologists

Stress Symptoms

Stress symptoms can affect a person long after the particular situation that triggered it is over. In fact, sometimes the symptoms linger for so long that the association is not often recognised for some time.

These symptoms can present themselves as physical, cognitive, behavioural and emotional conditions. If not properly addressed and managed with the help of a professional psychologist in Brisbane, they become a serious problem for your health, relationships and overall wellbeing.

Recurring colds or headaches

Bowel irregularities


Weight gain and loss



Skin problems

Hair loss

Inability to concentrate

Memory loss

Poor judgement

An overload of anxious thoughts

A pessimistic attitude to life in general

Uncharacteristic aggression




A sense of isolation



Irrational responses to normal situations

Increased dependence on drugs or alcohol

Feeling agitated and unable to relax

Loss of appetite

Feeling jittery, nervous, afraid

If you are finding it difficult to manage and relieve the stress in your life, seek the help of our qualified and dedicated psychologists who can provide effective programs and treatment for stress management Brisbane wide.

What Does Stress Management Involve?

Lifestyle changes

Changing the circumstances in your life that are causing you undue stress or perpetuating feelings of stress can help reduce the amount of stress you have to deal with. This can include such as taking a hiatus from a busy job or unhealthy ways of dealing with stress like binge eating. 

Relaxation techniques

Incorporating relaxation techniques and other strategies into your daily life to help reduce the effects of stress. Some of these techniques include breathing exercises to help you focus your mind and cognitive behavioural therapy, which helps you think positively.

At CFHP, we utilise cognitive behavioural therapy to help you change your thinking patterns.


In a lot of cases, stress is caused more by your perceptions or attitudes about a situation rather than the situation itself, and your unrealistic expectations of yourself or others around you.


We will help you combat your negative thoughts by first identifying them and where they come from, and then challenge them with more positive, adaptive thoughts. By changing the way you think about certain situations, you can also change the way you feel.

Speak with us

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    If you have been experiencing high levels of stress for a long period of time, it’s most likely interfering with your ability to enjoy a healthy and normal life. Instead of struggling to manage it yourself, our experienced psychologists can help. 

    We can identify the behaviours and situations that are contributing to your stress and give you the tools you need to make changes to the things that are in your control.

    No one is completely immune to stress and stressful situations, but with education and proactive stress management, Brisbane-based CFHP can help you beat it and live a healthy, positive life.

    Managing Stress Through Healthy Habits and Lifestyle Changes

    Identifying your warning signs:

    Warning signs will differ from person to person, but common ones can include grinding your teeth, tensing your jaw, and feeling irritable or short tempered.

    If you are able to identify these signs of stress, you will be able to focus on changing whatever is causing it before it becomes worse.

    Identifying your triggers:

    Your triggers refer to specific events or environments that cause you to feel heavily stressed. Triggers can range from interactions with certain people or circumstances like being in the workplace. 

    Once you know what your triggers are, you’ll be able to actively avoid them and the stress that is associated with them.

    Establishing routines:

    The calm and reassuring predictability of set routines and rhythms can significantly help with managing stress in your day-to-day life. Set regular times for daily activities such as waking up and going to bed, eating and exercising.

    Spending time with people who care about you:

    Share your thoughts and feelings with people you care about, and who care about you.

    Expressing and sharing your emotions rather than bottling them up is a critical part of ongoing stress management.

    Take care of overall health:

    This is an especially important part of stress management because if your overall health and well-being are good, then your mental health will also improve.

    Make sure you are eating well, getting enough sleep, exercising regularly, and avoid using alcohol or drugs to cope with pressures.

    Practising relaxation:

     Techniques such as slow breathing, muscle relaxation, meditation, tai chi, yoga, guided imagery and self-hypnosis will help you calm and settle your body and nervous system.

    Make time for relaxing activities that you enjoy, like gardening, reading or listening to music.

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